Discover Darmstadt

WTT Serious Games - Science and Technology Transfer Serious Games

Dec. 2018 - 2020

Science and Technology Transfer (WTT) Serious Games wants to promote serious games in Hessen. The "serious games" are conceivable for almost all areas of life. For example, they can playfully do something for your health or teach education - and have fun doing so!The aim of the project is to bring scientific expertise to high-quality serious games in the entrepreneurial practice. This should make Hessen the Serious Games location # 1 in Germany.

SG4Mobility: Environmentally Friendly Mobility Behaviour and Health Promotion with Serious Games

Sep. 2018 - Oct. 2019

HOLM Innovation Promotion: SG4Mobility - Environmentally Friendly Mobility Behaviour and Health Promotion with Serious Games.

Darmstadt Marketing is an associated partner in the project of the TU Darmstadt, Department of Multimedia Communication

The project aims to motivate individual citizens to use eco-friendly mobility and physical activity through playful methods and concepts. In cooperation with Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, wer denkt was GmbH (Darmstadt) and Rösch & Associates Information Engineering GmbH.

SmartCityHospitality – SCITHOS

Jan. 2016 - Oct. 2019

Project in ccoperatoin with European Cites Marketing, project consortium NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences (NL), West Norway Research Institute (NOR), Worldline Iberia SA. (SPA), MODUL University Vienna (ÖST) and associated partner Darmstadt Marketing, Amsterdam Economic Board, Visit Belgrade, Göteborg & Co., City of Stavanger & Regionstavanger and Valencia Tourism.


Project summary:

Tourism generates revenue and employment in cities, but also causes overcrowding, pollution, noise, etc. SCITHOS develops guidelines, aids and simulations (with apps and serious games methods) that help cities solve these problems - with the active involvement of the population. The latter is crucial because improving the quality of life of a city can only be achieved by taking into account the wishes and needs of the residents.


Final Symposium press release.

inDAgo – Mobility in every day life and for leisure at an older age

Nov. 2011 - Oct. 2014

"inDAgo - Alltags- und Freizeitmobilität im Alter" together with TU Darmstadt, Fraunhofer IGD, public transport organisation for Darmstadt HEAG mobilo as well as the SMEs tim (traffic information and management), UID (User Interfaces Design).


Aim of the project:

Making availabl useful and important information, specially tailored for guests in modern city tourism and on an individual call, through intelligent networking of AAL rooms (Ambient Assisted Living), in conjunction with a social adhoc network.


2011 and 2014

StoryTec with th TU Darmstadt, Faculty Multimedia Communikation, for the developement of programme to individual programming of online games.

First project 2011: Der Chaos-Fluch


Further game 2014: Online-Quiz in cooperation with TU Darmstadt and ESA/ESOC: "Space Quiz - ESOC: Europas Tor zum Weltraum"

dARsein - Discover Darmstadt with Augmented Reality


In cooperation with Fraunhofer IGD, the app "dARsein" the world's first augmented reality app, was developed, which recognizes a 3D object (Haus Olbrich) in the outdoor area - regardless of the weather, light or shadow setting - and at the same time, historical images and sketches, are overlaid.


If the natural reality is blended with additional information, it is called Augmented Reality (AR). Developed by the researchers of Fraunhofer IGD, the world's leading research institute for applied visual computing, the technique determines the position and viewing direction of captured photos and selects the appropriate historical material in real time. "The application dARsein processes natural image features and thus recognizes three-dimensional objects, such as buildings," explains Dr. med. Ulrich Bockholt, Head of Department "Virtual and Augmented Reality" at Fraunhofer IGD. "Pictures, texts and graphics can be placed in the correct position via a photo taken with the mobile phone."


Visitors to the Mathildenhöhe were able to view the original design sketches or historical images as a superimposition of the current building. Past and present have been made comparable. Watch a video of dARsein here.

Avatar Lili


As early as 2006, Darmstadt Marketing worked with a female avatar in an image film about Darmstadt. The Darmstadt avatar "Lili", in homage to the lily in the Darmstadt coat of arms, led through Darmstadt's culture and provided interesting insights into the virtual developments that were emerging in the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research (IGD).

Contact person for research projects

Wissenschaftsstadt Darmstadt Marketing GmH

Agnes Allig

Elisabethenstraße 20-22
64283 Darmstadt 
Tel.: +49 6151 - 1345-10

Digital City Darmstadt

Darmstadt won the Bitkom competition "Digital City" in 2017. In the project period 2018/2019, projects from different subject areas, such as energy and environment, IT infrastructure, security, society, health, education, trade, culture and tourism will be launched.


Current information about the projects can be found on Digitalstadt Darmstadt.

20 year City of Science

In 2017, Darmstadt celebrated its anniversary "20 Years City of Science". In 1997, the state of Hessen awarded Darmstadt the title "City of Science". The certificate publicly documents Darmstadt's tradition and its outstanding prospects for research and science. 20 years later, Darmstadt still lives up to that title, summarized in the brochure "20 Jahre Wissenschaftsstadt".


Further information the Science in Darmstadt can be found here.