Discover Darmstadt

Darmstadt brochures

Our brochures help you plan your trip and are available as pdf download. If you would like a printed copy, please contact us at

Darmstadt Sights

billingual city map with information about the most important sights.


Darmstadt Sights german/english (PDF 6,8 MB)


Translations of the map are available in the following languages:

Curiosités touristique

Attrazioni turistiche



Darmstadt's Museums

The brochure gives an overview of 13 museums in Darmstadt with contact information and current exhibtions.


Darmstadt's Museums (PDF 8 MB)


On Tour in  Darmstadt

Information about guided tours in Darmstadt about the Darmstadt Card and digital offers like the Darmstadt App and the Darmstadt WiFi.


On Tour in Darmstadt (PDF 5,1 MB)


City map

City map (A4) with sights, hotels as well as bus parking spaces.


City map (PDF 4,3 MB)


How can we help you?

If you need tips for your stay in Darmstadt or information about how to get here or what to do, please feel free to contact us.

Darmstadt Card

The Darmstadt Card is available as a one-and two-day ticket, it includes the use of all public transport in the city area (fare zone 40) and discounts to numerous cultural facilities.

Information for handicapped travellers

Here you will find an overview of offers for travellers with handicaps.